Ramadhan Blessings

Ruthful moment was depicted two days ago when I and my friend, Vero, stepped aside the road in Kemang. As downpour was still falling, we had a small-interesting-conversation that made us unrecognized to what was happened in front of us. It was a small family. two couple with three children, enjoying a bowl of meatball together. A BOWL for all of them. The father looks dishevelled. He spoon-fed his three children gently. After finishing it, I saw the couple, at glance. looks desperate. I do not know why, perhaps they exhausted leaning back on a tree. 

Almost a year of working has passed and remained something missing. Up and down. Finding something to heal this heart is not easy since I should be accustomed to new condition: no one asking my life, living without my brother at home, working in office almost whole day. They made me self-unrecognized person. I could not control it. 

By learning the family in Kemang, I felt peace and realized that I should be more patient to what has been happening. Nothing I could do except waiting and praying for one another wish this year and years ahead. CSZ film also inspired me to be still a good muslimah while waiting. It opened my mind for being sure that someday Allah will show his own best way to meet me with the choosen one. Do not forget to ikhtiar also. 

Tetaplah berikanlah yg terbaik dg Hati yg tulus.. 
Biarlah Alloh yg bekerja utk membahagiakan kita dlm caraNya sendiri.. 
Tidak ada kesedihan bila Alloh SWT selalu dihati.. #remindermyself
(Meyda Sefira)

Keep calm
Grateful to Allah for any condition now , accept it 
and if you like to change higher, make efforts now
Be good muslimah 
Love Allah, believe in Allah, trust Allah 
Be patient (stay good in hardtime)
