Detoxificate Life

Taking a distance and a time does give significant impacts on me
It does feel like my soul is free from toxic
Unconsciously I carried them (pain, hate, disappointment) with me
At that time, I still recognized him around because there he was and it made me feel so heavy
Now, all the memories along with the pains are fading away, almost vanished completely
Sometimes, human weakness of forgetting is a blessing: forget to feel the pains

"be peace with your past" doesn't mean "overlooking someone-else' mistake over you", but rather "don't ruin your life with the anger over him, because it's not even worth something to think about. Indeed, the mistake does matter, but just to mark him off. Then keep on going forward.
Honestly, I don't forgive. I might make mistake too but I wouldn't decide to take a coward action.
It was the most difficult thing to forgive someone. Look, the same feeling when someone kicks you without reason then abandons you. Will you forgive easily?
Now I know how to keep moving on despite being hurt.

Going home with no expectation makes everything get easy
It is a simple way to be strong
Because no matter storms that's gonna hit you, nothing can beat you down

Working for something that you put passion on does energize you every single day
You are assured that you do something meaningful and matter to your life
Recognizing that you are doing something leading to your dream

Alhamdulillah for everything
Put less expectation and be grateful as always, set dream but don't overlook current situation, constant praying


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