Getting Older

People changes along with their new life steps in. A single to a couple then becomes a parent; an impulsive youth to become a strong-minded mature person. Throwing back to three years younger of me, taking a challenging decision was not a big deal. All I could respond was, "Yes I am ready! Why not? I am waiting for the next cool fun days!" It brought me on a remarkable journey to find myself (well, sounds cliche though). However, I don't feel the same way recently. I am more careful in taking a decision because I don't want to be disappointed in the near future. The more careful I become, the more indecisive I am. My friend told me that, as long as your reasoning process is still in a reasonable zone, then keep digging. 

As a reminder for my self too, I would like to put some noteworthy things in mind about taking decision wisely. 

1. Sharpen The Sense

In my humble opinion, having a sharp sense would help us in defining and interpreting the situations surrounding us and finding the solution. Break them down into a list to get a clear picture if necessary. Compare for each pro(s) and con(s) to fit in our need. Do not take it too long to get a firm decision, because as time passes by with nothing, we just waste our time. 

2. Which One to Choose: Desire or Reality? 

I should say that desire is not the same as a gut feeling or hunch. I used to let my intuitive take part in decision making. Unlike fortune-telling, at a certain step, I have a believe sounding me like, "this is good for my self." Reality combined with intuition does lead me to a good decision. A good decision may not be accompanied by a comfortable journey but there should be a gained value. 

3. Do Not Ever Take Other People's Life Progress to Our Decision

As long as it is only to boost our spirit for not wasting time, it is good. However, if it takes control over our own life decision, then it is definitely not. Each person faces his/her circumstances that must be different from us: let's say the personality is different, so the way to see a problem is definitely different. Thus, the reason behind their decision varies too that fit with their condition. 

4. To Live is Living The Life 

Wrapping up with a fundamental value in my life: religion. No matter the circumstances that Allah put us in, as a matter of fact, that is the best decision by our side. Even in a difficult situation, we must not give up. The pain indeed sometimes chokes the throat, but again we should remember that: 
"It is indeed a test. Life is naturally set with tests as it is created for. Thus, no obligation to chase life competition from one person to another one. Live the life set of our own." 
Have we decided something, as a Moslem, put our trust to Allah for the best destiny. So do not worry about the future may hold. For a good intention, there comes a good destiny. 

I hope this will be my life-time reminder. Hope this benefits you too, the readers :)
